Digitanimal at FIGAN

FIGAN, 13th International Fair for Animal Production.

From 28 to 31 March, Digitanimal was presented at FIGAN, showing all the attendants our localization and monitoring service with very good results.

FIGAN closed on March 31, 2017 with more than 70,000 visitors in a fair that for many is the reference not only nationally or in Europe, but worldwide. This number of visits represents a record of attendance for the fair, which consolidates year after year as a benchmark in the livestock sector.

In this sense, the President of Feria de Zaragoza has highlighted the magnificent fair that, starting with FIMA in the even years and ending with FIGAN, the rest of the years, places the trade fair institution at the head of the trade fair organizations related to the agri-food sector, Where it is in the “first positions of the European and world panorama”.

The 2017 edition was the largest edition of the International Animal Production Fair, with more than 70,000 visitors, an increase of 10% compared to 2015.

The event brought together almost a thousand exhibitors who showed and displayed their products so that all visitors could get to know and benefit from all the innovations that are gradually being introduced by companies. But not only technology evolves but the genetics of animals every day is better getting to touch unbeatable levels of conformation as well as the nutrients used to feed them.

Likewise, in a trade fair so important and professional not only the amount of visit is important and they can be delighted with the products but the inter-company relationships where they can share business and collaborations.

In Digitanimal we have been able to make the official presentation of our new product where more than 500 visitors and farmers who have visited our stand have seen with good eyes and with very good acceptance the new design of the system of monitoring and location of livestock.

Digitanimal is slowly leading the way and is a pioneer in technological solutions implemented with IoT networks that locate and monitor animals to help farmers in their daily tasks.

But Digitanimal wants to go further in its objective for continuous improvement, not only can we locate the animals but we show the livestock the general state of your animal through state indicators in which you can see at all times even being notified about any type of anomaly that the animal has.

Contact us to know more details of how Digitanimal can help you in the management of your livestock farm.

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